IV International Meeting on Circular Economy (EIEC)

The IV International Meeting on Circular Economy was held yesterday at the Kursaal (Donostia-San Sebastian).

Around 700 professionals from more than 11 countries participated in this conference which, in its fourth edition, has established itself as a meeting platform for European professionals around the green transformation of the economy.

It was demonstrated that the circular economy is a priority objective in the territory of Gipuzkoa; with a recycling cluster, GK Recycling, which brings together more than 80 entities with a total of 6,500 jobs and a turnover of 1,425 million euros.

The main topics of the meeting were the new plastics economy, the leadership of women in the new circular economy models and the transformation of the bioeconomy sectors.

Some local success technologies of circular economy transformed into companies were also presented. Polykey has participated in this part, in which Coralie Jehanno, our CSO, has shared the origin and evolution of POLYKEY and some of our technologies on the field of chemical recycling of plastics and production of bio-based raw materials.

These technologies include the chemical recycling of polycarbonate, which can give us both, its initial monomer and high value-added molecules for high-performance applications. If you want to know more about this, take a look at out products: https://polykey.eu/products/

Congratulations to Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia – Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa for the successful meeting. We are grateful to have met, on the one hand, consolidated industries that are working to move towards Circular Economy, and on the other hand, new companies and start-ups that, like us, and starting from scratch, develop technologies and business plans adjusted to the new needs, which we consider as new opportunities.

Photography by Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.